
GoosemaWho? Adventures of a 20 Something Girl.

Ice Cream and Grape Graveyards

What a wonderful weekend! Like most weekends I try to do something with family or friends and hopefully that also involves some nice outdoor weather. I was lucky enough to have both. On Saturday Emily and I made our way out to Pat and Sarah’s to spend the day playing with Hannah, chatting about plans, and making some homemade ice cream. I love watching Hannah play in her little pool.  She could care less that at times there may be a few leaves in her water or that she plans on getting you as wet as she is. All she cares about is having a good time. Fill it up with a couple of toys and off she goes.

The final event to our evening was making some homemade ice cream. After some deliberation about what ingredients are in the house we decided on a simple vanilla with Heath bar mixed in. It was anything but simple! The whole family enjoyed watching Pat make his first batch of homemade ice cream. I’m sure, no, I know there will be much more to come. But what was even better is the whole family enjoyed eating some of Pat’s ice cream!

Sunday was another beautiful day and another trip out to Gorham. We got there early and walked over to Sebago Brewing for brunch. The food was great, unfortunately it was their last brunch ever. Not sure why. Maybe not enough business. Who wouldn’t want to go to a brewpub at 9 AM?! Wake up Maine!

After a big breakfast and a power nap for Hannah we made our way over to Crescent Beach State Park down in Cape Elizabeth. It seems everyone had the same idea we did. The beach was flooded with people but it seems everyone was having a good time. We popped our beach hut and sat out in chairs. Chatting over grapes and popcorn, enjoying the view. Dipped our feet in the cold Atlantic Ocean and scooped up a couple cool rocks to take home. After a few hours it was time to go and say goodbye to the beach and Hannah’s grape graveyard. You know, the half-eaten grapes covered in sand… probably only edible to Hannah and the seagulls.

Loaded up, and headed out. Another successful weekend. A little burnt but well worth the fun.

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