
GoosemaWho? Adventures of a 20 Something Girl.

Archive for the tag “Painting”

Color Me Maine

Do you ever have those days when you wake up and just want to be somewhere else in your life? A new job, a new location, a new house, have a family, or maybe just a new shirt? I think I am having a week of the “wants”. There are lots of things I can not change, lots of things I don’t want to change, but this weekend calls for a small change…a new wall color.

I have been in Maine a little over 4 months now (I know! Time is flying) and I have yet to make the apartment feel like home. Maybe it was a lack of motivation or money(moving from WA to ME is expensive!) but I think I always tread carefully on new locations because I never know how long I am going to stay. I ordered a couch last week. To some people that is just part of a new place, for me it was a small (but potentially large) commitment to Portland, well at least the East coast. Not only did I order a couch but an area rug as well. I know, I know, HUGE! The goal is to paint the living room this weekend so when the couch and rug arrive we’ll be ready. We (my sister and I) are thinking a blueish/greenish/grey type color. Specific, right? Something on the lighter than the darker side, most likely muted or understated. I’m sorry Pat and Sarah we are stealing your wall color, or close to it. After that all we need to get is a coffee table, tv, and entertainment stand (a few minor things). Art for the walls is also a must. I have some ideas on making custom wall art but will need to get my hands on some pictures from my sister-in-law. One thing at a time I guess…

Side note: Utilizing the crock-pot again today. Pulled pork goodness tonight!

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